Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin maximus, enim id feugiat consectetur, nunc augue elementum ligula, eu posuere mauris lectus non justo. Praesent ornare, justo id bibendum euismod, felis velit accumsan dui, ac porttitor lectus nulla nec risus. Curabitur in purus at ante posuere gravida. Vestibulum aliquam libero eget odio commodo cursus. Cras sagittis, sapien non lobortis malesuada, libero tellus tincidunt tellus, ac porta diam nunc sed eros. Pellentesque ultrices diam vitae ultricies euismod. Nunc ante felis, imperdiet ut sapien sed, fermentum vestibulum velit.
Bundle up & complete your order
Lebenswert Bioland Cow Milk Formula
Kendamil Banana Porridge
Kendamil Berry Porridge
Kendamil Creamy Porridge
Why parents choose Lebenswert
Pure, clean and nutritious – direct from the European countryside
100% certified organic
Made using milk from animals raised on farms free of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, hormones and antibiotics. Verified by government-regulated, 3rd-party testers.
No soy
Many babies are allergic or intolerant to soy (especially if they’re pre-term). This formula is 100% soy-free.
No corn syrup or refined sugar
Corn syrup and other types of sugar could be damaging to babies’ gut health, teeth and blood sugar balance.
Meets the toughest EU-standards
Meets the EU’s organic farming standards – the toughest in the world. No refined sweeteners, GMOs or pesticides.
GMOs could be damaging. But all certified organic European formula is guaranteed to be GMO-free.
Premium formula. Parent-friendly prices.
Save up to 30% on all organic formula. Get 5% off automatically when you become a subscriber, and up to 25% when you buy a bundle.
What to like about Lebenswert Bioland formula
Product Information
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Because no 2 babies are the same…
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